Tweet Graham's questions and motions can be found on the Scottish Parliament website here. Graham's recent speeches and appearances in the Scottish Parliament are visible below (provided by theyworkforyou).
Housing | Scottish Parliament debates This has been a useful and important debate, with considered contributions from most sides, bar the SNP.
Programme for Government 2017-18 | Scottish Parliament debates The SNP is the Government in Scotland.
Programme for Government 2017-18 | Scottish Parliament debates Last year, Nicola Sturgeon came before the chamber to outline a programme for government that contained 13 bills, of which three have been p
Education Governance | Scottish Parliament debates I can clarify for Mr Swinney that we are saying that the creation of these new regional bodies amounts to greater centralisation, not autono
Education Governance | Scottish Parliament debates That excessive uniformity is why the Scottish Conservatives have been arguing for years that we need greater diversity in the system and tha
Education Governance | Scottish Parliament debates I too, praise Tom Mason for his maiden speech. I also congratulate him for bucking a trend in the chamber and being well within time.
Automatic Fire Suppression Systems | Scottish Parliament debates I thank the cabinet secretary for her earlier update.