Graham MSP Simpson visited the Ravenscraig Innovation Park to see the demonstration homes showcasing the possibilities of the sector to deliver innovation in low impact, sustainable and affordable buildings.
He called for investment to develop 21st Century solutions which would enhance energy efficiency within Scotland’s homes.
The Innovation Park has been developed on the site of the former steel works in Ravenscraig, Lanarkshire. The 1125-acre Ravenscraig site is being regenerated into a new town, with over 3,500 houses, sports facility, town centre, community spaces and transport links.
The Park is a demonstration development showcasing how the future of sustainable housing might look. It follows a ‘ground-up' approach to sustainable planning and development. The site features porous road surfaces and paving, a site wide SUDS system, native planting and landscaping, street furniture and lighting, and a natural play area.
Graham Simpson MSP said “It was good to see first-hand the platform the Innovation Park provides for the industry to showcase its ability to deliver innovation in low impact, sustainable, accessible and affordable buildings. The Park provides a mechanism for Scottish business to demonstrate its solutions for low carbon buildings and valuable information on performance and deliverability on high performance new-build and refurbished buildings.
“In Scotland we need more opportunities and investment for small business to develop the future solutions and technologies to enhance our future and current housing stock. This is essential if we are going to meet Scotland’s future energy efficiency targets.”